Chief laid out the importance of direct selling training and coaching in the latest live video on the Official Chief Instagram account. The Insta Live sessions, which started during the Covid-19 lockdown, has fast become a fan favourite resource for advice and direction in their direct selling journeys. As Chief reminds us about the importance of our weekly targets, he also discusses why regular direct selling training and coaching is key. Read on to find out how activities such as attending training programmes, reading relevant books, and watching leadership and business videos are essential for successful entrepreneurs.
Why Do We Need Direct Selling Training And Coaching?
For a majority of IRs, QNET is the first serious attempt at being an entrepreneur and professional direct seller. Chief talks about how most IRs, therefore, come from an environment where they are not prepared to run your own business. So, there is lack of clarity and knowledge on what you’re supposed to do – especially when it comes to knowing how to handle rejections, knowing what to do with your first sign-ups, how to deal with a big team, among other things.
1. Don’t Borrow Techniques From Other Organisations
Every QNET team has a different and unique system that is hand-picked and guaranteed to work. It is built through the knowledge and experience of QNET experts, and as such, is tailored to your unique journey in QNET. Don’t oversaturate yourself with research on how direct selling or entrepreneurship works for other organisations as those are just generic lessons that don’t suit every situation. You are likely to get stuck and not grow.
2. Your Business Can’t Grow If You Don’t Grow
Growth and development in QNET is interconnected with your personal growth. If you stagnate, so will your business. Your success depends on your ability to manage your network, to speak, train and duplicate – you can only gain that through mentorship and training from your uplines and from QNET itself.
3. Let QNET Help You With Your Training Goals
You belong to an organisation that has built systems to cater to your training and development whatever part of the direct selling journey you are on. Be it through your uplines, team leaders, WebiLearn sessions, QNETPRO trainings, books, events and even V-Conventions — every step in your QNET journey includes a chance for direct selling training and coaching.
4. Find Yourself A Mentor Or A Coach
Find a mentor or a coach who understands your journey and can help you with their wisdom. This person should be someone you trust and respect, but also someone who can be brutally honest with you so you can make the best of your journey to success.
5. Consume Content That Will Help You Grow
If your way to keep up to date is to read books, don’t read a library full of them. Pick the right books for you and your journey instead of memorising reading 20 books that say the same thing slightly differently. Videos, on the other hand, are currently the most popular content medium. Luckily for all QNET IRs, you don’t have to go into a research black hole to find good content that is relevant to you and your specific direct selling journey. Thanks to Vtube+, you can view just the right content you need, presented by people you know and trust.
6. Attend Events To Evolve

While the pandemic means that face-to-face events are on pause for the foreseeable future, the power of V-Conventions cannot be stopped. From 6-8 September 2020, a virtual event like no other will be just a click away wherever you are in the world. Prepare yourself for the #VConventionConnect 2020 by registering now. Chief expresses how every max out king and queen in the world are products of V-Conventions, including him. And so, he encourages every QNET IR to sign up and attend this life-changing virtual event.
See Chief’s Full Insta Live Session for yourself, here.
#VConventionConnect 2020
#VConventionConnect is going to be QNET’s greatest, grandest event ever, coming to a screen near you. The V-Convention is where thousands of Independent Representatives have found their dream. You can now experience it yourself by securing your slot on your eStore. No matter where you are, we are with #IAmBecauseWeAre. Sign up today!