You’ve probably been asked a million times why direct selling is better than an “easy”, stable corporate job. That question is worth answering. Because, yes, it takes time, energy and a tonne of hard work to build a successful business at QNET. But before a prospective IR takes the leap of faith, it’s important for them to know why they should even bother.
Here are the top six reasons why, between direct selling vs traditional corporate jobs, direct selling would win hands down.
With a 9-5 job, every day starts to look and feel the same. Week after week, it’s the same routine. With direct selling, however, every day is an adventure. You get to meet new people all the time, you get to immerse yourself in new and exciting situations, and the best part is, you’re never tied down to one country, one city, one building or even just one cubicle.
1. You Choose Your Colleagues
One of the downfalls of working a corporate job is that you have to work with a variety of personalities you may not always have anything in common with. The advantage of working in the field of network marketing is not only that you get to immerse yourself in a very inclusive, diverse and supportive culture, you also get to surround yourself with like-minded people – people who are hardworking, passionate and downright fun. How many people can truly say that?
2. Great Opportunities For Rewards

With a corporate job, you can look forward to a measly 2-5% raise a year, and any bonus you might get depends purely on your boss. With Direct Selling and QNET, the Compensation Plan is completely transparent and well-publicised. You get to see your hard work and perseverance being recognised and rewarded first-hand, and you will never again be passed over for a promotion. What’s more, your success directly helps your downlines as well. Isn’t that great?
3. You Control Your Own Fortune
Let us be clear. There’s nothing wrong with having a corporate job. It pays the bills and puts food on the table. However, you end up doing all the back-breaking work while someone else gets rich, and you see little to no rewards. With network marketing, you reap the benefits of what you sow. You no longer have to be constantly on edge about whether you will be replaced by someone younger, better, faster or cheaper. At QNET, you control and build your own assets. At a corporate, you earn a living, but the bosses make a fortune.
4. You Live A Rewarding Life
No other industry allows you the kind of personal development and business development opportunities the way direct selling does. Success in network marketing depends on you helping others become successful as well. You get to not only build a team but to also watch them grow and become more successful. At QNET, you get to be part of a community that gives back constantly with RYTHM being at our very core. Not only that, you get to be the master of your own time – which means you get to spend more quality time with people you love, doing things that bring you joy and following your passions.
5. Recession Proof Opportunities
Many of our friends and acquaintances pick corporate jobs in the direct selling vs traditional corporate jobs fight because of this idea of ‘security’, but if we’ve learnt something in the last few decades, it’s that people can be made redundant overnight. With more and more jobs being automated, job security is shaky at best. Despite the growing population, unemployment is a real problem, and you end up working in a fear-based environment in a corporate job. With direct selling, you don’t have to live with those fears. There is always an opportunity for you to grow your business.
6. No Additional Degrees Required
You don’t need a fancy degree, a CV that’s five pages long or even a spotless LinkedIn profile to work in the Direct Selling industry. It is as simple as educating yourself on the opportunity and the products, trying them for yourself, and sharing what you love with others. You come as yourself. No other industry will let you start from scratch the direct selling does.